#e <t>decree<n>Rome becomes a republic<d>509<c>Rome<info>King Tarquin is deposed
#e <t>battle<n>Romans take Corinth<d>146<c>Corinth<vic>Rome
#e <t>battle<n>Athens falls to Romans<d>86<c>Athens<vic>Rome
#e <t>battle<n>General Pompey marches into Jerusalem<d>63<c>Jerusalem<vic>Rome
#e <t>battle<n>Battle of Actium<c>Actium<d>31 Sep 2<vic>Rome<info>This is the first large naval battle. Emporer Octavian defeats Marc Antony & Cleopatra.
#p <nat>Roman<o>emperor<n>Julius Caesar<c>Rome<mov>48 Oct<c>Egypt<mov>47 Jun<c>Rome<d>44 Mar 15<info>Caesar was killed on the Ides (15th) of March.
#e <t><d>312 Oct 26<n>Constantine's vision<c>Rome<info>Constantine claimed to have a vision (doubted by his chroniclers) on this day in A.D. 312. He saw a flaming cross blazing above the sun. The cross was inscribed with the Greek words, "en toutoi nika," meaning "in this sign conquer." The following day he fought a victorious battle against his rival, Maxentius, north of Rome.